익스트림 비기너즈 

Xtreme Beginnerz (2 DVD Set) 

훌러리쉬 부터~~~~~

This is an all new DVD from Handlordz productions, 

featuring De'vo vom Schattenreich, Jerry Cestkowski, special appearances 

by Daryl, Jeff McBride, Greg Irwin, and a brand new artist by the name of Q.

This DVD is geared toward the beginner all the way to experienced card handlers 

in the art of Xtreme Card Manipulation, 

and will cover all the basics as well as some intermediate work! 

This will be a very large DVD. 

There are also many ideas and moves that HAVE NEVER BEEN PUBLISHED BEFORE!

Never before has such a DVD been made featuring Xtreme Card Manipulation. 

This will be the definitive beginner resource for our art form for years to come.

De'vo decided to include a concept from the Ulmen group in Germany - called "perching"! 

This entire section is done and looks amazing! So many ideas for your creativity!

Also a 1 hour fanning workshop that is totally completed and stars Jerry Cestkowski! 

This section alone is worth 2 times the price of the DVD! 

Real world info that you will not get from anyone else!

Learn with Q, a complete beginner we trained for 4 weeks. 

This is one of our favorite parts of this DVD! 

We know you will learn a lot from Q and his experience!